

- DaaGissi

- MempoZches


Thank you for the support. We are very happy that you like to enjoy the time as we do. Through your support we can continue working on our stream (equipment, new games ) usw.



- DaaGiSSi

- NiceGame78

- MempoZches

- Amateriuz


!!!Thank you for the support!!!

Giveaway- and POTN Taler Winners


- ZRXCOON ( PS4 Rainbow Six Siege )

- Amateriuz ( PS4 Uncharted 4 )

- NiceGame78 ( Free ABO )

-RayN1ghtsh4de ( 1050 Taler )

- NiceGame78 ( 3431 Taler )

- Amateriuz ( for 100 hours  Sub T1)


GZ to all :)

!!!!!WE ARE BACK!!!!                     POTN Taler actually 20000 will be raffled on  on saturday 28.07.2019

Q: What's your name?
A: Ela und Jens

Q: How old are you?
A: Ela 33 ( 02.08.1985 )
Jens 34 ( 29.01.1985 )

Q: Where are you living?
A: We live in Vienna

Q: Do you have pets?
A: Yes a little Dackelmischling ( 6 years old )

Q: Why are you streaming?
A: Because we love to play and watch games and would like to share this with the community and hope they have fun as we have.

Q: What are you streaming?
A: We stream both, retro and new games. Currently Ela GTA V and Jens COD, Fifa and soon back to warcraft :)

Q: How did you get the nick?
A: Since we almost only stream in the evening / at night, the name came on it's own. :)

Q: What are you hoping for??
A: Have fun, a great time with the big community.